A guy who is claiming to be in love with me (a black woman and immigrant), is a conservative (pro-trump, anti-gun laws, denies that there is racism etc). Are those red flags to make me cut him off?

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He can’t be in love with you, he’s claiming to be in love with his perception of you.


Are you serious?


Huge red flag. How can he deny the experience of millions? Racism is as real as he is.


R. U. N. Women of color must exercise extra precautions in this world, and unfortunately, dating is no exception. We do not have the privilege to overlook such qualities in men that threaten to perpetuate certain ideologies that are harmful, and quite frankly, life threatening and dangerous to WOC. This is about fundamental human values and someone with those ideologies cannot possibly protect you as a WOC or make you feel safe. There are immigrants and/or white men out there you can date who will love and support all of you. Do not settle. It might feel great because he “picked you” but it sounds like slim pickings given this pool of men doing the picking. You are setting yourself up for failure if you continue dating him. It never ends well. G’luck finding your true person!


Thank you so much for this.


Maybe every single Trump voter isn't a racist, but racism isn't a deal breaker for for any of them. That would be a deal breaker for me.


I’m a female POC and I’m dating someone who, initially, I thought held those views. He’s also a lawyer, so I appreciated that he could articulate his thoughts clearly (not common among most who hold those views lol). I gave him a chance and realized his opinion of how the issue of race has been handled in America wasn’t based on a hatred of non-white people. We get along great, and he treats me and others with respect. So, I say give him a chance. Drill down on the underpinnings of his beliefs before writing him off. Humans are too complex to fit inside labels like “conservative” and “liberal.”



Your self esteem has to be low to be putting up with that bs. He will end up trying to harm you.


I appreciate your insight and directness.



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I know, right! Thanks.



I would chalk his interest up as a fetish. No way he can see your humanity supporting those ideals.


Yup, I think so too. Thanks.

Girl what? Denies racism??? WHAT?


Is this a real question? Lol


Denies racism or denies structural racism is the root of all evil? There are plenty of black woman and immigrant Trump voters, but denying racism exists is just dumb.




OP, im not surprised by your hesitation given I know a lot of immigrant women who would be/have been in this position. But sis, just no.


Thanks, sis. :)

Yes. Tf.

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