I am an unmarried working man in his 30s with a southern mother. In other words I'm flying home for Christmas and my mother just called to tell me that she just happened to accidentally run into the sweetest girl from her church that she just knows I'll get along with and accidentally invited her to our house for dinner the night that I get home. Deadass the woman will not rest until I am tied down. Pray for me!

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But are you single by design or by default? I think it is kind of sweet that she’d introduce you to prospects. These introductions (by family, friends, sometimes colleagues) tend to filter for a lot of things that you can’t screen for effectively using online dating apps or meeting strangers in person…


Your mother is adorable. Be open, you never know until you are and give it a try. Safe travels!

Boundaries are always the key! Sometimes you have to tell in a nice way how to behave around you.

Haha good luck wit that. I have the same problem. I am 28 and been single for 3 years now. This is the recurring topic every holiday.

Be open to the opportunity. It's not everyday that something like this happens. But most of the time I've noticed arranged meetups like this end up well in the end. Good luck to you and your love life!

You've focused on your career enough your mother knows best. Give it a chance, you might like the girl. This is so cute!

Oh, you poor thing. When will our mothers stop playing matchmaker? Oh well. Just enjoy the ride. You never know, they might actually be someone whose company you'll enjoy.

How do you even accidentally invite a person to your house for dinner? Hahaha! Your mom has her ways. I say give it a chance. If you really want your mom to stop, talk to her after the girl leaves.

I will say a prayer. My parents literally do the same thing. It drives me NUTS.

Sounds like the perfect Hallmark Christmas movie in the making! Lol! Good luck to you! You could always bring a friend with you. Im available this Christmas lol jk. She just loves you though and wants granbabies.

I think it is very sweet and wish that I had a family member who would introduce me to a fine gentleman. It takes the pressure away, which is very heavy in this new age of dating.

Merry Christmas. It’s just dinner. You’ll live…

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