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Adulthood just hits.

And here is a status report for this week.

2 down, a couple more to go. Good luck everyone!
Who’s off to the pub tomorrow?
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I don’t know why but this made me LOL! 🤣😭

You need a schedule. Maybe set up 2 or 3 or 4 15-30 blocks, including lunch, throughout the day when you check in and do some quick help. Unless there’s an emergency, you need to set some boundaries and expectations. If your MIL is there the whole day, then your wife should be ok without your constant help.
However, kids are distracting, especially if you want to be involved in bringing them up, and there’s a reason why many lawyers with kids regularly start work really early and then end late.
Jeez A2, you’re a very good friend.
Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. Also enlist help from you SO and MIL to create a schedule.
Oh man, good luck. I have twins and I find it impossible to not get distracted when WFH. Like everything, the best answer is to communicate with your wife so at the very least, when you have to put your head down and work, you both know it. Don’t let her guess when you’re busy and when you can help. Align and get her input on when you’ll take scheduled breaks to help out - don’t just pop on down for a breather when it’s convenient for you.
That being said, you’re still gonna get distracted randomly, be asked to help randomly and you’ll be up super early and go to sleep late. Basically there’s no easy solution to make it all work smoothly!
My son was a couple months old when the world (and accordingly, daycares) shut down for COVID. My partner and I were both WFH with an infant and couldn’t bring in any outside help. We would look at our schedules for the week on Sundays, and then each night checked in on our schedules for the following day. There isn’t guilt associated with not being available when it’s already scheduled.
Now we’re back in daycare, and we still do this to make sure we’re coordinating who is covering school pickups/drop offs, doctor appointments, play dates, swim class, etc.
It’s all about communication and flexibility (when you can manage it). And that advice isn’t just limited to your question, I suppose, it’s just parenting advice in general.
Duct tape
A do not disturb sign?😂
Twins are so hard, especially in the beginning. It gets much easier after the first few months, and more manageable for one person to handle solo. Distractions will lessen. Hang in there!