Anyone have a spouse/partner who is a picky eater?
I grew up with two french bodybuilders for parents and enjoy super minimally seasoned, whole, unprocessed foods (yes, we were the weird house for not having goldfish as kids), and I live with my handsome man from a beautiful Mexican family who cook with many flavors but also eat out a LOT.
He is okay about my cooking as it is 90% veggies, but some nights he’s blunt that he’s picky, and I whine about going out. Thoughts?
Rising Star
Zoo Lights ? (Lincoln Park or Woodfield). Ice Skating at the Ribbon.
Is this YOUR two year old?
Christkindle market
Decorate cookies.. premake them so you are just decorating
Botanical Garden Lights
Zoo lights or the Arboretum. Lombard also has a really cool display.
Watch quintessential Christmas movies
Play with them.
Baby Shark has Christmas videos.
Drive through Santa’s Village.
LP Zoo Lights, Christkindle (the wrigleyville location is great, and you can enter a whole separate winterland thing, get tickets online), the christmas tree exhibit at MSI, navy pier, visiting santa (the one in 900 shops is good, and the last few years I have done breakfast with santa at the zachary hotel which is amazing). I'm a mom to a 5 and 7 year old.