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Hi how flexible is persistent with respect to location.. my wife got recruited into persistent via campus recruitment at bschool and location is Bangalore. But now I have a good opportunity for hyd and so hoping persistent would be okay in she joining hyderabad location too.. HR did not respond yet but want to check..Persistent Systems Limited
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What are your opinions about potential big4 layoffs in m&a tax? Campus hiring starting next year so I don’t have a good idea of what people are thinking at the firm. I know m&a is typically not where you want to be in a recession so I’m curious about job security starting next year. Any insights/opinions would be appreciated. EY PwC Deloitte KPMG
Deloitte Tax Seattle has a recruiting push on for senior and above. Giving folks $100 for simply providing the name of a qualified person. Then of course bonus if we hire them.
Don’t do it. EY Tax in Seattle is not good to be honest. They’ve lost large clients and they hang on to their precious AMZN audit for recruiting suckers to their office, guess if you like ASC740 then you may like that account for a few weeks a year. I️ would not recommend their group to anyone. I’m at a different firm and can say that EY Seattle has the weakest Tax practice of the Big 4. Id consider either PWC or Deloitte.
@senior 1, Thanks for your input
Also to follow up on senior 1. EY and PwCs tax practice are a joke in Seattle. Deloitte clear #1. Then Moss Adams (headquartered in Seattle) Moss is aggressively hiring as well. Overall through I’d order them Deloitte, Moss, EY, KPMG, PwC.
@DU 1, can you please provide more details on that recruiting push with seattle office? I just submitted a transfer application to seattle, but I don’t think my team is willing to let me do that since YE busy season is approaching soon in Jan. Is it possible to reach out to the seattle office by myself?
Tax or audit DU2?
Tax senior
How are your ratings? I️ ask because they are really looking for solid performers. Which service line?
Deloitte 1 - which group are you in? I want to wait until July to jump to get my 3 years and vest everything, but there’s a partnership/ERO tax senior listing on LinkedIn that I’ve seen pop up for the past couple months. You know anything about them?
Probably harder to jump in July given it’s so far out. If you jumped now then I’m guessing you’d get relocation and a great offer. I’m a senior in the office if you want to move forward.
Talk to Your coach. What service line? Can give you name of PPMD in Seattle for that group.
I’m in MTS for the person that asked. Also, with regard to the recruiting push, BTS and MTS are looking for senior and above.
I’m in the Tax group with Deloitte Seattle as well. Shoot me an email at: and we can chat offline. I’d be happy to talk more about the practice and growth opportunities with you.
What do you know about Amazon's tax department?? Good place to work for a ten year tax provision person? They take the interview process extremely seriously there "tell me about a time you had a problem and how you overcame it" but not one question bout tax technical. .
Yes good place to work for provision. Challenging issues facing them. Federal tax? Or international tax provision experience?
S1 - still looking for seniors? Not sure if you saw the email, but maybe you could shoot back an experienced hire recruiter’s name if nothing else?