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So I haven’t logged into this app for three months and started to giggle so hard when post after post I’m seeing people realizing the incredible impact neoliberal policies and bidenomics have had on this country. To brighten your day, a lovely impression from Lucile Bluth, imitating our policy makers wrt inflation.
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Very good place to work
G is 💩
Disney Streaming Services I completed my interview process with DSS early last week, and was reached out by recruiter that all rounds were strong hires, and they are extending an offer. We set a time to talk on Friday about the offer. However, the announcement of targeted hiring freeze happened on Friday. I was ghosted with no call. What should I expect now? Would I still have chance to be offered?
Try Bloomberg 😌😊
If your university has handshake go on that, that is how I was able to get my first tech internship this past summer, also look for co-ops positions in tech on there
DM me if you would like a referral for SDE roles at Amazon!
Hi! Can you send me a message? I would like an Amazon referral, but I can’t message yet as a newcomer
I’d say start with something you can do on campus. A part time web developer job or something that’s contract work and even remote.
Once you get any kind of experience it’ll be much easier to get those interview calls. Leverage the career centres and take up every opportunity to meet recruiters at job events on campus. Good luck!
Rising Star
Without an internship, it’s gonna be an uphill battle to find employment after graduation. Ask your professors for volunteer opportunities. Explore teaching assistant jobs on campus. Go to the Career Development office in your school and get assistance.
If wanting to get into cybersecurity go to TryHackMe, HackTheBox, or the PortSwigger Web Academy 👌🏼
Connecting with your alma mater’s alumni can be a good start. Working part time for a start up, local small business, or nonprofit can help you get experience too. Pursuing your own projects that you can showcase on GitHub or your portfolio is also an option.
Since you’re early in your career, any experience is good experience!
Email your resume to Joe Cruz
Can I also do the same?
Become a sales engineer!
I graduated with a CS degree and never had an internship.
I think you should just go ahead and apply to all the jobs you are interested in, and see what happens. You might have to take a job at a lower tier company than you otherwise would, but you can restart the job search after a couple of years and capture a significant raise.
If you have contributions on Github or similar, some companies might use that as a proxy for experience.
Joe Cruz Force7
We are looking for interns!