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“Mark up an agreement” dos and donts
Anywhere from one week to 6 months. Chill out and don’t say no to work.
Enjoy the sweet bliss my friend.
6 months. Enjoy it.
Agree this is a Jan 2023 problem to worry about. A partner gave me the advice to try looking for work in Jan and to be concerned if youre not steady by end of Feb. in your first year.
At my firm (v10) ramp up seems to be about 1-2 months for lit, possibly longer in this economy for corporate. If things are still this slow after your stun year (I.e. January 2023) start reaching out for more work.
Stub ^*
You’re fine
I second 6 months
Lucky. I started in September (v10) & got like 3 days ramp up lol. I’ve been billing 40+ hours weekly since orientation ended 🫠
I am 10 months in M&A and still ramping up lol