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Does citiustech layoff employes ?
Hi fishes! I feel so frustrated with kgs! There is no quality work, on-shore managers are really rude and they talk like we are bloody slaves to them. (And they are not Indians), they get pissed off if asked to attend calls in their morning time and expect us to work late nights. Could have still felt better if the work was good, but feels as if I am doing a first year clg students work. I just want to leave this place. But the news of layoffs in the market is making me scared.KGS
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Thoughts on Kettle NY?
Any insight on Untitled in NYC and London?
Is the industry volatile, or do people unhappy in their jobs gravitate towards a support platform like fishbowl? I haven't decided.
Watch your back at grey too.
I think it's both. Fishbowl has definitely made me feel worse about advertising.
D1 - volatile and always has been. Even more so now.