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I joined Tech Mahindra for 5 days only and didn't find suitable timing for my project and emailed resignation mail to manager and HR. After that HR asked me to resign over portal but at the same time blocked my portal. After requesting many times they didn't unblock my portal and pretended like they want to unblock but there is some issue going on and marked my profile absconded. I have cleared fnf but they are not providing reliving letter but added pf amount also. What to do?
Miss Texas said the same thing and gets applauded for it. Meanwhile Jemele Hill gets dragged? If you can't see the white privilege then you might wanna get your eyes checked
So to clarify OP, you're saying you hold an ESPN anchor's Twitter response to a higher standard than the public tweets that come from the President of the United States?
D3, I think we can all agree trump's tweeting should not be the new bar for what is and is not acceptable on twitter and other social media outlets
Glenn Beck didn't get fired, suspended, or have to apologize for saying that Obama has a "deep-seeded hatred for white people" on Fox News.
Nope, Trump didn't apologize for any of the ridiculous crap he said prior to taking office. I didn't hear an apology for the birther bullshit, Central Park 5, etc. I didn't see him demanding anybody's job for those Time or New Yorker covers depicting him as a klansmen or Hitler.
Absolutely....double standard
This is really blown out of proportion. If she said it on air that's one thing. If she said it on tweets then it's another. All ESPN should have done was say that her views don't represent the networks and they should have kept it moving.
Meh. Look at what Trump tweets daily.
I will hold everybody to the standard that makes me the most popular. That's all that really matters
Hell no
The issue is the way in which ESPN has handled incidents with other members of staff in previous situations. They have been extremely inconsistent on how they react and what punishments they give out. It just doesn't look good when Linda Cohen is suspended this week as well for her mixing politics and her position yet nothing has been publicly announced for Jemele. All anyone can really ask or expect is consistency which ESPN has seemingly not adhered to.
^And they did and said they accepted her apology (that it appeared to come from ESPN and not her personally)
Should she be fired... lmfao, get out of here.
100% yes
Lmao touché OP
Not too surprising given the cross-viewership between Fox News and ESPN
What did she say that was factually incorrect or slanderous?
Talk about that double standard
IBM 1 - Linda did an interview where she trashed her boss. If you were to do that to IBM they would do the same to you. Two completely different situations.
No. If they did no black athletes would do ESPN interviews. ESPN just has to deal with it.