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When the client ask me to do it cheaper

Can someone share a sample mail format to extend the tcs joining date? What are all the reasons that can be given for extending the joining date? My real reason is I have another offer in a product based company with doj 10 Oct while my DOJ with tcs is 28th Sep . Planning to extend the tcs joining date to be on the safer side if there were any issues in joining the product based company Infosys Tata Consultancy Newco
Who is going to the DIA Annual Meeting in June?
In the partnership, it does not matter who gets there first
<booming voice> I am the original Partner 1 -- thou shalt have none other partners before me!!
I agree with the know your shit comment. Be yourself and don't try to impress, the people that impress me the most are the ones who are confident yet not cocky and who demonstrate competence.
Wipe it out with confidence to maintain dominance
What a love fest
Listen meaning hear everything he says and call a spade a spade, partners bullshit a lot
Agreed with partner1. Be confident but not cocky. Have a perspective and be eager to help grow our business
Actually P2 is probably the original P1, I just got to the thread first ;)
Be pretty
Know your shit - research background (school, work experience, etc..) and the topic that you will be discussing. Also, just be yourself. Partner's are just people too. Don't be scared. And don't do anything stupid
Partner 2 returns!
Agree with all of the above. What's the circumstances under which you're meeting? If you're on a project, I'd add to do a great job -- but that's obvious.