I moved from India to Canada 2yrs back. I am happy here, enjoying work, new place and new lifestyle. But, even after 2yrs of being in a new country I have no social life. Couldn't meet anyone new as it's a work from home situation. There are a few meetup groups but being an introvert that I am, it's hard to make friends this way. I prefer a more natural way of meeting people.. like at work or at an institute etc. Anybody has any suggestions?
I have a good friend who took a counter offer and was happy to stay afterwards. I think this only works when your only gripe with the company is $ and you love everything else. Otherwise the pay bump will just be a temporary bandage over the underlying cause contributing to your dissatisfaction.
Agree. But sometimes the counter offer includes a promotion which could be the reason why you want to leave
Taking a counter offer and staying is objectively the wrong choice, your pay increase will be reduced over time and you're still better off elsewhere.
If they're willing to underpay you until now, they will continue to do so.
Shopped around and got an outside offer (lateral, 25% bump) because 1) I was underpaid and 2) my assignments weren’t aligned to my background (roles were uninteresting and below my capability), so found what I felt was a practice that could offer better work more consistently. Went to resign, and higher ups offered to immediately match the offer and assured a promotion in a few months. After some digging I found the outside practice prob could not offer substantially different work. So I accepted the counter and stayed. Few months later I get promoted and another raise (this would’ve taken 1-2 years at other firm), pretty cool. Felt like I really came out ahead in both comp and title by taking the counter. But then a few months later I got a dogshit assignment that was more suitable for a first year analyst. Was really bummed about that, so responded to some old LinkedIn messages and got a new offer, this time did not entertain the counter. Live and learn
It could be good if u got a new, challenging role and $$ - if it is just $ then you may get demotivating rather soon
For me it’s mainly the type of work and project which is being promised to be changed. Although they will not be able to match the dollars. I like the firm and people and sort of feel comfortable here and worried to go and establish myself from start in new place.
Ultimately the pay bump/counter is not going to make you happy OP
I shopped around for jobs and picked up an well paid job at a start up. Got a counter offer which was good monetarily but i had mentally checked out at that point so i decided to leave anyway. I was not doing the role any justice anyway as i didnt feel motivated about the work and also i knew i would be unhappy staying there when i saw others getting more $$$.
High risk high reward dont take the counter. The higher paycheck also equates to more work responsibility and expectations
Thanks for your responses