Fellow getting fit fishes- I have what I think is a good at home lifting routine and a really nice home gym (slam balls, kbells, dumbells, hex bar, ex curl bar, plates, bands). However, I really don’t have back exercises or machine that I love. Any one or a few back exercises or machines/tools that are a back blaster that might be a fun or effective way to ramp up my non existent back workout game?
Trying to put a brave face on, and things definitely could be worse, but feeling pretty exhausted and overwhelmed. Very hard to be excited right now.
Moved to the other side of the country and about to move job. Still finding it difficult. Have to believe the end is in sight though.
How about you?
It used to be you’d take work home. That was bad enough. Now your work is home. So you never leave it. I dream of normality.
Working on my exit strategy as we speak.