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Uhhhh are layoffs happening?
What do y'all do in healthcare?
Whats good work from home reimbursement?
How much do you pay for electricity in a month?
Uhhhh are layoffs happening?
Probably Saudi Arabia or Dubai
I grew up in an expat family in a Dubai. My father's package covered a villa on the beach, 2 car allowances (think bmw/mercedes), one set of round trip tickets back home once a year for the family, and private education up to 2 kids at an American school. So if all that is covered and your income is tax free, you end up living large. I loved growing up in Dubai and plan to get a similar expat package when I have a family and move back.
Know a dude who made a small fortune in Iraq over a few year stint, if you're open to the risk
When people do rotations in India they seem to make bank - full US salary, full expenses, basically zero cost of living.
With expenses (lodging and food) anywhere is sweet - Barcelona, etc - but without expenses? Latin America, hands down.
Dubai was good to me. 2 friends just went back and I couldn't believe their packages. The money is tremendous and it's not crazy expensive when so much is covered for you
OP- it all comes down to the terms of your employment letter with your project. If you are a US employee doing a short to long term stint, you will likely qualify for a lot of different allowances, particularly if it is federal. If you transfer from the US firm to the local member firm, you will make the local salary, which will be significantly less and will not qualify for any of the allowances. If you are on a federal project that will pay you allowances, you can look up how much you will be paid on the Dept. of State's website under "allowances." For federal projects, in general, the more dangerous and undesirable the country, the better the pay. This is because you qualify for danger pay. Certain countries have "six day pay," which means that you earn allowances for six days instead of five. I was also going to write abu dhabi instead of dubai. Abu dhabi is dry so you will def spend less there! South Sudan, Pakistan, Iraq- those are prob the places where you'll make the most.
@ey1 what company did you work for while in Dubai?
@D1 does that account for cost of living as well? I know Dubai can be pricey - wondering if that would eat away at the benefits.
Kuwait- the currency is way higher than the Dubai or Saudi arabia
Yeah, and prob one of the more desirable places in the region
Oil rigs
Yeah, so Middle East, in general