Every day of my life feels the same. The monotony of my job and taking care of the young kiddos is just the same over and over. I love my kids dearly (my job not so much) but I think this never ending repetition is impacting my mental health. Anyone else go through similar feelings or have any advice?
Yes same here, I just suck it up and maintain my stoicism. Also at some point realized that the best money spent is in Nannie’s so you can plan going on a show/ movie theater with wife and in some opportunity get someone like grandpas to be able to do a solo travel. That will add some excitement to your life but to set expectations it will not be as before…
Echo M1’s sentiment. It’s tough muddling through the workday only to then muddle onto the same nighttime and morning routine, rinse+repeat.
Part of me just accepts this is my reality until kids are older, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. Find help if you can afford it, plan for special, one-off things (with your partner only or even with children). Just a little break in the routine helps, and serves as motivation for the next one.