Has anyone gotten sick or had side effects after their first or second Covid vaccine?

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My TV and laptop stopped working immediately after getting the vaccine. And my iPhone calls ex girlfriends randomly.


Yes. Had a dead battery for about 18hrs one day after my first Pfizer dose. Then brain fog and low energy my third day. Better ever since, though. My coworker got their second dose yesterday and it leveled them for most of today (maderna).


Yes. It was way way worse than covid. Not.


MIL got second moderna shot Monday, and felt really lousy for a couple days, but it passed and she said she feels fine now.


Dad got the Pfizer yesterday and is feeling under the weather today. Hopefully he feels better soon. For reference, he had covid in July with symptoms


Had splitting headache, fever, fatigue a few hours after my shot. Went to bed at 9 and woke up fine the next day, just sore arm. Definitely worth it compared to covid!


Yes, it’s been almost 3 days after first dose of Pfizer, and still feeling sick (but our bodies are working hard to build up defenses).


24 hours after first dose of Moderna took me out worse than when I had covid! Body aches and fever. However only lasted 12 hours vs actual virus, just slept it off.


I got my shot a few days ago (Moderna) and I’ve been getting the chills for a few days.


Had first dose of Pfizer the other week. Only had soreness at the site of the injection for 2 days. But everyone I know says second dose is the one that gives more side effects. I'll let you know in the following week


Good luck!

First moderns dose and felt nothing.

My dad felt nothing with either Pfizer dose, my mom had sore arm for a day with 2nd Moderna and just had my first Pfizer dose and just a sore arm.

They think that if you had Covid exposure at some point, you feel the effects of the vaccine way more. I had my first shot yesterday (never had Covid to my knowledge) and felt SLIGHT headache and tiredness. Today I feel normal

Day after first Pfizer shot I slept the entire day, I just couldn’t stay awake and I am not a person who normally naps at all. Second dose coming this Tuesday and I’m trying not to schedule any critical meetings Wednesday since I’ve heard it’s rough.

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