Hi everyone how difficult it is too certified in AWS Developer Associate and Solutions architect.
For someone who has experience in Development
In Java, Spring Boot, Microservices
I also worked on some of the AWS Services like
EKS, ECS, Lambda, S3, RDS, SQS. I mean I use them by going to the Management console. Also has knowledge in VPC, subnets, security groups but i tend to forget some of these concepts.
Didn't take any formal course but learnt from blogs, youtube videos, LinkedIn course
I’m actively seeking roles and have been interviewing with many companies since August. I’ve turned down a few and still working some leads. Looking to see what is out there and how I can further my skills and knowledge. With the pandemic and WFH the opportunities are greater if I’m willing to WFH permanently. I’m a woman in agencies and it’s not a kind world as we age. I need to advance and open my skill set to be relevant and in demand.
So far I’ve taken opportunities as they come. Hear out opportunities that come my way through my network or LinkedIn and if they are interesting, I pursue.
That has been my approach as well but wanted to see how others are actively managing their career and learn from their experience.