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Hi Fishes, I got offer from
Coforge : 31 CTC
Vichara Technologies: 33 CTC
PWC : 28 CTC
Mindtree: 30 CTC
Please advise to choose the best among them.
YOE: 9.5+
Skills: DBA
Looking for better WLB, Work culture, Job Security and learning. Kindly advise. Thankyou so much. Coforge HCL Technologies PwC Tata Consultancy Mindtree
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Fake smiles. Fake smiles. Fake smiles.
If you’re an Account Executive, then you know that rarely happens when Account folk don’t fight for their team by standing up to the clients or educate them properly on the process to complete their projects efficiently to prevent burnout. It also helps when the Account team pushes back when the client doesn’t stick to their timelines but won’t allow the agency to adjust end date.
It sounds like the immediate solve in the interim would be revisiting the scope and adjusting workload, no?