Is there an easy/efficient way to figure out how much you've contributed to vs earned in your Roth accounts? I started contributing >20 years ago to my employer's Roth 401k and have rolled it over to a Roth IRA and moved it between multiple custodians, e.g. Fidelity, Vanguard, UBS, Personal Capital, etc. It is unclear to me how much I contributed vs how much I earned by investing it.
The purpose of doing this is I want to use $10K of it, but want to prove that the $10K is from my contribution.
I'll have to see if there is a way.. I actually just met with like 5 Siemens employees this week going over their retirement plans. I would be happy to go over yours with you as well. Regardless, when I go into the office tomorrow, I might be able to figure that out. From what I know, you would have to find old statements to really be able to tell
Nope. WFH.
It might be on some paperwork from your prior employer when you rolled it to the Roth IRA. It would show on you W2/Tax return for the years you contributed. If you did any direct contributions to you Roth IRA it would be on your 5498 tax form for the year you contributed.