Having one of those days where little errors are creeping into things. E.g. addressed comments from a client and when sending to the partner for review later, forgot to flag that I didn’t address one of the comments because it was directed to him. He wasn’t happy I didn’t mention the comment in my email with the draft which, also mad at myself for not doing, although I expected him to read the draft and he did. Any tips for slowing down when you’re jumping between 10 matters in a day?
Never. Enjoy!!!
I mean it’s true. But also I guess a more truthful answer would be once you realize EVERYONE feels the exact same way and NO ONE knows what they are doing (And if they tell you otherwise they’re lying). Once you realize that, it helps the anxiety….slightly
Fades around year 3/4.
Going away: never. I have industry recognitions and am still waiting for the moment when people find out that I am bad at my job (and I know male chambers ranked equity partners who have expressed the same thing).
Few years into a position I’d say. Comes back when you move up.
never but you stop caring
Once you pay off your loans
After therapy and medication for me, tbh.
10 years