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Part two with 3 experts who personally have ADHD:

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I’ve been on the same dose of Vyvanse since fall 2019. It still works. I notice a difference when I don’t take it. But I think I miss the rush I used to get when I would feel my meds kick in — like I could handle anything and I knew my meds were working. That plus the hyper focus that was still within my control (not the time blindness hyper focus where you fixate). Does anyone still get that? Is it worth trying to change my meds? Or is this just what it feels like to be “normal” now?


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I’m in the “not leaving my bed phase” of my severe depression and I have a lot to do. What has helped you transition out of this phase in the past


I am beyond frustrated with myself. I hate my social anxiety. It’s prevented me from succeeding and I’m at my breaking point. I get major anxiety from speaking...I wasn’t always like this, but I developed a fear of speaking/speaking up.
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I had an amniocentesis performed at 16 weeks and found out today (19.5 weeks) that the chromosome analysis and microarray to test for microdeletions came back normal. Had they not come back normal, I would have aborted. I am distraught that others will not have this choice now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade.


If you are meeting someone outside and not wearing a mask (ie delivery person, service provider etc) do you tell them you are vaxxed or just let them assume? I don’t think it’s rude to not wear a mask outside if you are vaxxed but feels weird when the other person is.


What's the best mood tracking app? I just got on meds for bipolar depression for the first time so recommendations would be appreciated!

Started Zoloft a little over a month ago. I’ve been taking it around 9am with breakfast. It’s helped me a lot so far with anxiety and mood. But it’s making me so tired. I go to bed around 10-10:30 and naturally wake up around 7. But I find I wake up often during the night which makes me not have restful sleep. Should I try taking it in the evening? During the day I’m usually very tired by noon and wanting to nap.


Anyone know of a good fitness tracker without a screen ? Something like the Fitbit flex , sad that it’s not sold anymore


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Hot take: BMI is relevant to the vast majority of people. No, it is not the only metric we go by to measure health, but it does give you a general idea of where you stand if you're the average Joe Schmoe.

Yes, I know there are gym rats and body builders who would not be considered in the "normal" BMI ranges, however, we're talking about the outliers. How many of you can truly say you fall into that category? Cause I for one can't.

Let's stop lying to ourselves and eat healthier/hit the gym.


Is having a personal trainer worth the $?


Has anyone tied how their career and how they interact with bosses/other coworkers is tied to their childhood/being narcisisticly abused? I am a victim of narcisisitic abuse as a child, have seeked therapy for it, and a lot of therapists do not understand naarcisistc abuse and actually tell me to reach out to my abusers. I just feel like on a subconsious level I am behind others when it comes to emotional disregulation as well as just having a higher level of anxiety. Can anyone relate?


Fitness is always two steps forward one step back (if forward is weight gain and backwards is weight loss)


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11 likes please 🙌


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Anyone here work at BAH and Accenture? Is it manageable?


Hello guys. I had an interview im Cognizant recently. They conducted a telephonic technical round.
They gave me no timelines though.
When can I expect a call back from them regarding the next round/update?

Can you become as an Enterprise Architect or a Solutions Architect without the ability to code, but good knowledge on different technologies at a high level?


Hey everyone. Looking to transfer from Risk advisory to some sort of deal analytics or operations analytics team. I have experience with tableau and excel and that is it. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I should do to make myself a better candidate? I am just about to finish up my first year working. Looking for any advice on how to make this change. I like working with data and numbers and honestly miss working in excel, in risk I don’t do anything with numbers or data.


Currently not happy with my service line (risk). Have an offer for Big 4 FDD which I am interested in. Long term goal is to get into more management consulting roles. I have recently gained interest in restructuring and like how it can have more of a consulting aspect. Would it be wise to take the FDD offer? I don’t have a restructuring offer and haven’t even tried recruiting for it. Also it’s not the easiest to get an offer in FDD out of my current service line so I don’t want to waste it…


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Additional Posts in ADHD Professionals

Procrastination help! Any advice?

Did anyone find working from home during the pandemic was extra challenging to stay productive? The lack of routine send my ADHD spiraling


Anyone here going/gone to Harvard? Curious to know how tough Harvard (mainly MBA) is with ADHD?


For anyone who has a consistent exercise routine can you explain if it has helped you manage your ADHD symptoms and all the different ways it has helped?


❗️PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION FOUND IN DRUG TEST❗️As expected, it was found in a drug test as part of a background check for a conditional job offer. Hireright called me & asked me for the name of my medication, name of pharmacy & their phone number. I called my pharmacy (big retail pharmacy) & they said they don’t give medical info to anyone that’s not my doctor … I’m afraid my offer will be rescinded. I’m freaking out. Has this happened to anyone? What do I do?


Just here to say I’m so thankful we have this safe space. People who aren’t diagnosed generally have misconceptions about ADHD and its symptoms, and I’m so grateful we have this bowl to seek help, learn from one another, and sometimes just vent! With all the negativity in the world, this bowl is that one ray of sunshine I so desperately need, so thank you everyone for what you have done and what you’ll continue to do!


Welcome to the community! We're just getting started so let's set a great tone from the get go.


This couldn’t be more timely as I’m sitting in the waiting room after just being diagnosed 😆 welcoming tips for adjusting to Adderall!


I have to keep so much systematized and scheduled for my job and organizationally I'm a mess. Does anyone have a fool-proof, ADHD-proof system for office and online organization? My life feels like a browser with 20 tabs open right now and I am losing it.


How did you figure out you had ADHD? Official diagnosis? Or did you research the symptoms yourself first? Read a Time article this morning saying that TikTok opened a lot of peoples eyes to the fact that they have ADHD.


I'm upping my dosage this month for the first time since I started taking medication. I've had very few side effects so far (trouble sleeping) but I'm worried with this higher dosage I'll get more of the bad along with more of the good. What do you guys use for insomnia or sleep issues while on ADHD medication? Thanks.


Anyone feel like self-control is more difficult on stimulants in general? Like reflecting back on things, thinking before speaking, holding out on pleasure activities


Anyone have recommendations for ADHD coaches, preferably focused on managing it in a senior-level role? Also preferably if focused on the female ADHD experience. Open to remote coaching with folks in other locations but I'm based in NYC.


I was on Adderall for much of college and the early part of my careers. I had to go off due to negative side effects. My doctor recommended I take Wellbutrin for my “adult” adhd. Anyone have experience using Wellbutrin for adhd?


I don't know for sure that this is an ADHD thing but does anyone else get really irritated by small things or have trouble regulating their emotions? Especially when you take a day off from medication? I feel like the smallest thing can piss me off, especially in the AM. Am I just not a morning person or this a symptom?


I found a place with great reviews to be diagnosed for ADHD, but it’s through virtual appointments, is this a normal thing?


I joined this group as I did an assessment that confirmed I have traits/markers and may be a part of the neurodiverse universe, ADHD specifically. Can anyone tell me the route you took to getting a true diagnosis and if taking the medication provides a chemical balance only or is your brain going to be altered from taking the medication?


Best Sleeping Remedies and Meds for long-term use when on stimulants? I keep getting poor sleep and it’s killing me!


Finally found a provider who listens and is helping me get ADHD controlled. Also diagnosed me w/anxiety. Treating w/Adderall and Wellbutrin, but she's telehealth so can't prescribe anymore. Was transfering Rx to my PCP under her guidance but my BP was high at my yearly (was a particularly stressful day at work, BP was normal the last 3 years). PCP won't coordinate care until I see a cardio. Anxious something will be wrong and I can't be treated for ADHD anymore 😩 anyone else here w/high BP?
