I am honestly so depressed, a little about me: Im 26 and have a pretty decent job (make almost 100k), but I feel very low. I barely have friends, and never have had a gf. I have my apartment but I feel alone.I tried going on dating apps and got multiple dates but they didn’t go anywhere. I look fine but struggle with social anxiety and tbh I’ve never even done anything sexual before. I feel really lonely and it’s starting to become tough. Does anyone have any advice on how to feel better?
Yes also hungrier (initially). These side effects go away after ~2 months. My hunger level because normal, but I was consistently about 10 lbs heavier. My usual weight was about 155lbs, and this kept me in the 165 range. Trouser size also increased. If it is helping your psychological state, stick with it. The doctor tried Lexapro for me, but that didn’t help as much as Paxil. Life is all about trade offs, and your mental health outweighs anything else imho. Don’t fret it, and focus on getting your life back on track. I’m not aware of your situation, but work to change the toxic attributes that are causing your depression. It will take time, but stay the course. Sending you well wishes 🤗
Yes, I gained 10-15 lbs, however it’s benefits outweighed the weight increase
Were you hungrier?
Thank you! It’s more for anxiety. I took it years ago and it worked wonders. I started it again for five days and it made me so drowsy that I stopped. Doctor also gave me anti anxiety stuff not for daily use so want to explore that again first. I took this week off and feel much more at ease!
It takes about 2-3 weeks to kick in. I would go easy on the anti anxiety (I’m assuming it’s klonazopan or similar benzodiazepines), as they are great, but make you sleepy and are also highly addictive. Just use them short term and wean off from them sooner than later. Glad you’re feeling better!
Yea, I have benzo but will only use if I’m feeling truly debilitated by anxiety. Like a few weeks ago it took me an entire day to write one email, that was bad lol. But thank you!!