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Hi Everyone,I need assistance deciding whether to give up my search for in-house counsel and start something else. I applied for over 1300+ positions since August 2021. Since then, I have gotten some interviews but no job. I have a unique background Accounting 8+ years, Law for 4+. I don't get much feedback from interviewers. LinkedIn if background helps. Thanks!
T shirt, sometimes a hoodie
First day I’d probably go business casual- polo for guys though if it’s a stuffy corporate environment you may want to dress up more. My office is business casual and I probably embrace the casual a bit more than some others but nobody cares.
Definitely not a blazer
Nice, plain teeshirt. Add a necklace and earrings to class it up a bit. For reference, my boss and my boss’s boss wear teeshirts and hoodies everyday. It’s not until three levels up that you start to see polos or button downs.
I always add lipstick or pin my hair back if I want to look extra put together, but I haven’t worn anything nicer than a plain teeshirt since I started eight months ago.
What were folk wearing during your interviews? Dress accordingly.
I wore a nicer crew neck striped tee. But my entire company embraced the casual, and it was even clear during interviews
Just dress up the first day, like always. But hopefully you see that it’s casual. This is one of the major perks in house (for me at least, I know it seems trivial). Current wearing jeans and a polo, would probably wear a t-shirt if my new boss wasn’t here today