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Hi anyone here wants referral to PwC?
It's tough because learning all new technology and firm methodology is hard. As is being compared to many peers that are home grown to the Big 4. You will have to work pretty hard to get caught up to speed. If it's a material amount of money to you, I'd consider it. The Big 4 prestige on your resume will always be amazing for exit opportunities. In my opinion the two questions are 1) Am I willing to start over (internal network) building up my reputation, learning the Big4 firm technology, processes, internal bureaucracy, and network. and 2) Is the money worth it to put it all that work?
I realize that the firms have different software, people, etc., and so OP would have to learn the semantics of new technology and have to rebuild a network. But how many truly different audit methodologies could there be out there? And aren't the internal bureaucracies/human resources strategies the same as well among the firms?
FWIW, early promotion is usually done on an office by office need basis rather than actual merit. If this b4 offer comes with a significantly higher raise, take it. Unless you’re about to make partner they’ll forget about you in a month
Why did you capitalize ‘Path to Partner’ lol
AM1, those rules are not an important consideration to him
It’s your own career…if you think it’s the right move for you and your future then I wouldn’t worry about “betraying” your partners. Explain the situation to them and I’m sure if they have your best interest in mind, they wouldn’t mind you leaving. At this point in your career, you can’t go wrong with having big4 on your resume especially if it comes with a pay raise.
Sorry I assumed you’re a senior or below. If you’re a senior manager right around promotion to partner then it’s a different story
Yeh then I would say go for Big4 and higher pay. Life isn’t much different between BDO and big4, might as well get paid more for your efforts. Big4 also has more career trajectories in the long run if you decide to leave.
Take the money. Go to big4 for a few years make manager then go back to BDO as a senior manager for even more $$$$$
Goodwill is an asset. You don't damage it, you exchange it for cash. Your net social and financial capital will be equal.