I work at a consulting firm and next year I’m hopefully going to get booked on Data analytics engagements (starting with the business intelligence segment). One AD said it would be helpful to learn Azure cloud. Where should I start with that and what are some the things I should know/ be able to do in Azure cloud? I feel very confident with SQL and Powerbi and I’m decent with Python, but I don’t have a lot of technical knowledge with things like Azure Cloud.

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I’m a self taught data engineer. Here’s the path I recommend.
Start with AZ 900 (Azure fundamental) -> DP 900 (data fundamentals) -> here you can branch into data engineer associate or data analyst associate -> data scientist associate

By the time you get past one or two associate certifications you have a good handle of azure data side of the house. What I did was jump into databricks certs which are 🔥🔥 rn

Dm me if you have any questions


Nah, go databricks imo. With DLT pipelines, databricks is coming for ADFs lunch. I think databricks will be far more relevant in the coming years, along with the fact it’s platform agnostic.
No point getting azure cert to be a data eng. worth getting cert if you wanna learn the platform


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