I’m finding that more and more people don’t care about what happens with her family after they die have you been observing this trend as well?

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If they don’t care about the death benefit that much, sell the living benefits. Use a whole life policy as an asset class. Non correlated to the market, guarantees, tax free access to cash value, bond proxy for their portfolio


If they have say an overall 60/40 allocation take the 40% investment dollars for fixed and apply that to premium in a whole life contract. Comparable returns plus tax free access to cash value and death benefit. Continue to invest the 60% in equities in brokerage or advisory account


You need to meet with qualified prospects, not just any broke ass who wanders into your path and you’ll see that trend reverse.


It's a numbers game. Keep seeing the people.


What do you mean by bond proxy?

Thanks! Will do!

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