Mom of two here (21 month old and 5 month old) who is starting to consider having a third. I am in my late 30’s and my doctor just recommended I start trying at 6 months postpartum. I am thinking I want to start closer to 8-10 months postpartum but have no idea what to expect with a third. Is anyone in a similar situation? Moms or Dads of two, do you ever look back and wish you had tried for three? Moms or Dads of three, how was the transition from two to three and how much did life change?

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Very interesting too. I’m in the same situation and would love to hear other thoughts.

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Additional Posts in We're Pregnant!

Just found out I’m pregnant after a miscarriage! Yay! Question about an OBGYN…I’ve been seeing my gyno for close to 10 years and I feel very comfortable with her. However, I started seeing her when I lived back in the suburbs and my husband and I live in the city. She’s about a 30-45 min drive from where I currently live. Is it ok if I keep seeing her? Would it be better to find someone closer to me?


In my first trimester and I want to make sure I’m not being overly skeptical of my OBGYN. What are some red flags to look out for when searching for a good OBGYN?


I’m about 6 weeks and had some dark drown/rust spotting. For now I’m just taking it easy right now. Of course all this is accompanied by anxiety, hoping my lil peanut stays put. Welcome any advice or experience.


Just had my NIPT/Nuchal Translucency at 12w4d IVF pregnancy and the sonographer said everything looks fine but she wants me to come back in 5 weeks and then again a month later to do the scans again so she can get a clearer picture. She said baby is measuring slightly lower than it should, but it could be that doctors were a few days off on due date (is that a thing with IVF??). She also referred me to get a fetal echo at 20 weeks. Is this normal? I called OB, waiting for her to call me back.


My first prenatal visit was billed as “absence of menstruation” instead of “prenatal visit”, therefore my insurance is not covering it (insurance only covers prenatal visits). Is this normal? Did the doctor make a mistake with coding?


Feeling really nervous, help! I’ve been using topical hydroquinone 4% since before I found out I was pregnant. Now reading the label I realise that it’s not advised and a category C by the FDA - I’m 6 weeks pregnant and have obviously stopped now but really scared I might have caused serious harm to my baby.

Have any of you used this while pregnant and it turned out fine? Any other insights that can give me some peace of mind? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


LA moms to be: Any physical stores specifically in LA or SoCal that I could see items up-close and personal? Big box stores or boutiques are both welcomed. 🌴 (I already got BuyBuy, Target, etc)


Hello - I’m going to be a first time dad in a few weeks 🤞🏽 Excited but oh so anxious, mostly about the unknown and a little about stepping away from work. Any suggestions on how you’ve worked through those apprehensions before your first?


Has anyone had trouble finding an ob gyn? I just moved to my area and the recommended ob gyns are fully booked. The first date I can schedule is not until I'm 20+ weeks along. Would you just go to a lower rated ob (taking 2 out of 5 stars on Yelp) the first few weeks and then switch when you are able?


Hi fishes,
Pls in dilemma.. in Feb 2022 i joined TCS and right now am in a project having strict timelines. The next rollout wud be in next 3 months. I.e sept.. but the thing is I am pregnant and my due date is arnd first week of sept. Most prob I wud hv to take maternity leaves frm last week of Aug.
Pls guide me how and when shud i tell hr & supervisor.


Going to be a first-time dad in about 2 months. I think we have just about everything, but couldn't decide if a bottle sterilizer is worth it. Could honestly just throw them in the dishwasher, but wanted to get some opinions from this bowl. Appreciate the insight!


I am 18 weeks and see watery thing coming out after peeing. It has weird smell. Google tells me that it can be amniotic fluid too... now I am freaked out... anyone gone through this ?


Any mommy groups in South FL? Do any professionals even work in South FL?


Any advice for nausea during the first trimester? I’m eating small meals, taking b6, and am finding no relief.

Do I have to stick with the facility where I have my first ultrasound? Or can I shop around?


I’m 9 weeks and I’m beyond exhausted and dehydrated all the time. I drink so much water but still feel dehydrated. Ugh. I can’t stand peeing so much, drinking this much, and still having it not be enoughhhhhh


What do you do to stay sane / comfortable / distracted in the final month of pregnancy?


37 weeks today! We are excited :)) the waiting period is weird though. When will baby come???


Any solutions for back pain? In the middle of my second trimester, and my back has been aching, especially when I need to travel for work or have a lot of activities to do (reorganizing, grocery shopping, etc.).

I sleep with a pregnancy pillow, but was wondering if any pregnant mamas have some recommendations for pain during the day.


Anyone have Hcg levels not doubling? I am at week 6!
