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I run a podcast called The Lawtrepreneur Briefing that explores what's makes a modern lawyer modern. We do this by having conversations with people driving the transformation of the legal profession.
Excerpt of the most recent conversation can be found here:
I'm looking outside my network for guests for the podcast. So if any of you have thoughts about the subject, I'd love to have you on. You can apply to speak here:
Stopped drinking back in July, haven’t missed it at all since. When I feel like I want something “special” to drink, I have Kombucha with a squeeze of lime juice in a wine glass. It’s fermented, bubbly and also good for you.
Right. But you’re not drinking vanilla extract. Just saying....
Very seldom so probably .1; yesterday; 4 p.m.
Trying to be healthier this year as I turn 30 so not drinking during the week anymore. Before that, I drank every night of the week at least one or two beers. On weekends probably 6 drinks a day. I never started drinking before I was done working from home.
36 y.o. now... 2 drinks usually on Fri, sat, sun... on occasion 1 drink on Thursday.
Separately (from the booze convo), have you had any generational contentions in the workplace? In my last job people kept constantly bad mouthing “millennials” and I said something like, “I’m not sure who or what you think millennials are, but I was born in 84 and that means I’m an elder millenial. We have jobs. Kids. houses. Bills. We are not just a bunch of wimpy babies in our parents basements.” Then I left that firm and said something about being a millennial at my new firm and a 28 y/o said, “you’re not a millennial.” I was like, “ouch! You think I’m old?” I’ve never been Gen X. Those are the 80s high school grads. Some people call elder millennials X-ennials. I think that’s a reasonable term. I feel just as much stress as younger millennials regarding the economic issues we’ve had to face. I graduated law school in 2011 with the market still wrecked from the recession and now we’re in a GD pandemic and still paying student loans. GenX had it freaking easy.
MTW I don’t drink. Thursday 1; Friday and Saturday 3+; Sunday usually 1 as a calm down drink. Friday usually a co-worker and I will make a drink at 3 and get on the phone to discuss our week and plan out the next week’s work. From March until May last year I was drinking every night because the pandemic stressed me out, so I stopped all summer to give my body a break. If you’re wondering if I lost weight, I did not; one vice lead to another.
Probably 2 or 3;yesterday; 3pm on a Friday
Tbh I have 1-2 glasses of wine a night. On weekends I have one “fuller” day of drinking. Early 20s and idk how to cope with legal stress. HA
Fuller as in 4-5 drinks throughout a Saturday if I’m not working. Is this responsible? Prob not.
Quit drinking altogether. Magically lost 15lbs.
Had mostly stopped drinking pre-pandemic, but it has ticked up during COVID. Probably partly coping, but partly just easy access and no barriers (no commute/driving). Currently, I’m having 1-2 drinks maybe 4-5 nights a week. Probably going to dial that back again soon.
Less than 1 on average. I drink once every few weeks.
I drink 1-2 every 2-3 weeks, mostly at drinking oriented events. I hate the way I feel after drinking tbh