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IMO it’s weird this guy you just met was so hot & heavy. I don’t have anything against casual flings, but seems like very weird/red flag that he’s gotten so intense so quickly.
- you said bye to him and he actively seeks you again (you got the gut feeling that was weird/uncomfy)
- he asks to switch seats and sit next to you after a very brief interaction
- he tries to kiss you on the plane (WTF)
- he’s now watching all your social media (not as weird but still a little much)
I would be especially cautious since he lives near you. I’ve met a few guys that got really hot and heavy like this off the bat, and they were pretty obsessive / difficult to end things
All i care abt from this post is how did u get to fly biz?
I’d like to have this standard as well, tired of being pushed to the back of the planes where I don’t get to see any hand kissing attempts! I promise if I notice I won’t say a thing! I promise!
As a powerful man he’s not going to come crawling back to you. If you want to spend time with him, you have to take some initiative. He left the door open for you and it’s up to you to walk through it. Strong men are not needy, they have options at all times.
Good advice
He finds me again and asks me if I would like a drink. At this point, I am getting a little bit uncomfortable but look at him and think… he’s pretty attractive, seems quite funny, why not! So off we go to the lounge, we have some drinks. We go to board, we’re both in business so he asks if he can switch seats to sit next to me. Anyway we are talking, getting along quite well and he is flirting very heavily. Eventually he tries to kiss me on the hand (on the plane!)… i pushed away, because it was just too embarrassing! He asks me to go to dinner with him that night- turns out we live quite close together. I had other plans so I said I would let him know. I ended up going - the dinner was at a restaurant he has invested in (he owns a fund), and it was really fun ( at chefs table, with a bunch of his friends). Anyway, we end up sleeping together that night, and he asked if we could meet again and go for dinner. I was quite cold and said I would let him know.
So …. It’s been a few days and while he’s now following me on Instagram (and watching all of my stories), he hasn’t said anything. Should I say something to him? I don’t know if it’s a great idea but it feels so exciting
I’m confused why you were cold to him? He’s clearly interested in you and sounds like you are as well. Why did you not accept when he asked to meet again? (I’m a woman btw!)
I think I was in shock by the whirlwind. I have also recently been really badly hurt by someone (cheated on me, did a lot of gaslighting and ended things immediately after we had sex by telling me he was choosing someone else over me). Right now it’s difficult to imagine why anyone would want me … so it’s just self protection I suppose.
But for the first time, in a long time, I felt free and myself again
I say go with your gut instinct despite comments being positive or negative, your gut will not stir you wrong
This sounds like a lot of fun :), enjoy the ride.
What stage of life/ how old are you?
Are you looking for something specific or just in it for the ride or you just don’t know?
Call him.