Any tips for hard launching partners on social media? For context, I’ve (Indian American female) been dating my white American boyfriend for 3 years and we just got engaged after two years of convincing my parents. They are very happy and excited now, but I’m scared shitless about being ostracized / judged by my extended family and Indian community in the US once I “let the cat out of the bag” on the engagement news. I want to be proud and confident about this but could use some moral support.

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I am an Indian living in the US. I think you should live your life and stop thinking about what others may think about your life. It’s a very Indian mentality and I have stopped living in fear of judgements once I moved to the US. Being an American you shouldn’t live like that… #YOLO


This is 2022. Please live your life the way you want to. Parents are happy and that’s what matters. (Btw - i’m Indian as well and have several cousins who are married to Americans).


As an Indian married to a Caucasian (second marriage after first inter-racial marriage ended in a divorce), my advice is don’t let fear of what others think impact how you love your life. If they care about you they will learn to live with it, if not you are better rid of them


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