Stress is causing a massive flare-up of racing thoughts recently. I feel like it's been at least a week or two since I last was able to completely clear my mind. And if it's not random stream-of-consciousness mess, it's music. Ever had a song stuck in your head? Because I've had one for four days now. Driving me nuts. Anyone else struggle with this/have a solution?
Have you tried meditation? I started about 6 months ago and it’s helped handle stress so well. It’s a slow start but once you get in the habit of it, you’ll feel the difference.
I've been considering it just never actually take the time to do it lol. Need to just pick a time each day and give it a shot.
If I'm trying to ease my mind, I typically try to lay on my back. Putting my hands on my stomach and just noticing my breath helps a tremendous amount. See if that works for you.
The nonstop playlist of songs running through my head are a huge flag to me that my anxiety is very high. I know exactly how you feel and how you are explaining it makes total sense. I have to find something mind numbing like tick tock to divert my brain.
I never really looked at it this way but you are totally right. Now that I am thinking about it these are usually my most stressed times too. I may have to try something mind numbing tonight.
Just let the thoughts flow without resisting them or trying to rationalize them. Eventually they will stop. Also trying breathing through it. If you’re taking medication and none of the previously stated methods help, ask your doctors about upping your prescription.
Same here
Do you know that the root cause of your stress is? Identifying it and finding the best way to eliminate or diminish that situation would help along with the already suggested above:
Yeah, but it's mostly personal stuff that I can't really avoid. I also had to skip therapy this month due to some bad scheduling so I'm wondering if that had an impact.
Happens at least once a week for me, and I've just learned that I can't fight it or the song comes back with a vengeance. I try to channel the energy my brain has during my breaks and my days off through hobbies, I think that helps me to focus more at work, but I completely understand that some days the brain just doesn't want to cooperate.
Hope the song isn't by Ed Sheeran or Maroon 5 because those two artists have poisoned my mind before with their music...
Lol I'm actually typically able to switch the song. Problem is I can't switch it off. And it's always like, just the hook or chorus on a loop. Can ignore it throughout most of the day but when I'm laying down to sleep it becomes an issue.
Anxiety does this to me too. I find that my Lexapro helps tremendously. When I tried to taper off, my mind was like a rat on a wheel. It's torturous really. And unfortunately the ADHD meds tended to make it worse for least those that I tried.