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In case you missed it, pls check out 40 Over Forty is a platform that champions people, across all levels, agency or brand side, who are 40+. The platform is a tool to celebrate people who are currently not being acknowledged, and to tackle ageism, we are in our second year and want as many people as possible to nominate. It is free to do! thanks for the support.
Jiggly puff.. jiggguuulllyy puffff
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I’m a former MAIPer and I’ve never seen that on any position above an intern. Typically there’s a different owned hashtag used for MAIP posts. I’d assume the posters are more so targeting the MAIP alumni pool. It’s a pretty big, and socially-engaged network.
That makes sense that they want their alumni seeing the posts!
I would imagine, if they are putting that hashtag on a post, they will be prioritizing non-white candidates. They might not dismiss your application, but I would assume they have a profile in mind for who they are looking to hire. That demo they highlight is probably not reflected in their team currently and they are trying to adjust. I would focus your energy elsewhere, personally. Good luck!
If they include it on every job post for the company, are they just signaling an overall message of diversity? Or should I not bother applying at that company right now until they fix whatever issues they are having?
I’m an MAIP alumni, to me it means they want a diverse selection of candidates. You can and should apply.
I had to Google MAIP. Multicultural Advertising Intern Program, right?
If you’re an older candidate, are you actually considering internships?
I see this hashtag on senior roles.