Tips for just getting started, with the day especially, or even just a bad task later on after a few productive hours? I can have a stack of billables to do, but if it isn’t truly urgent, it’s just like a giant mental wall preventing me from getting things done. Medicine doesn’t help. It’s like I need the fear of god in me to get anything done and the moment I’m not scared of getting fired, I just... can’t. Things are OK at 2 am for some reason though.
Yes, sex addiction is an extremely real addiction. It just gets a bad name because so many people try to claim they have a sex addition when they get caught cheating or doing something else morally questionable. But if sex addiction is affecting your life I hope you are able to seek professional help. Good luck to you!
I say this as a sober alcoholic who fully understands the reality of addiction, sex addiction has become a very real problem in my marriage. I would never cheat, but porn and regular masterbation has desensitized me quite a bit, ratched my expectations higher than is realistic, which leaves me uninterested in having sex with my wife.
I have been aware of the problem for quite some time, and I have been aware of the damage it's causing my relationship, though only recently have I decided to stop trying to convince mysf that I'm not hurting anyone, and that I need to quit. I've come clean to my sponsor and prayed about it constantly, but the obsession hasn't yet been removed. Yet again, I find myself doing something against my own will, without the excuse of a mind altering substance to point to. I've never felt so powerless...
M1 💯💯💯 this app is mostly men so they refuse to acknowledge that p0rn is almost always coerced and non-consensual.
IBM1 unless you personally know the people in the videos you watch you have no way of knowing if they were underage or if they were trafficked or if there was consent.
Bowl Leader
I like to think that anything that makes my life “unmanageable” can be an addiction. And it usually makes my life unmanageable because I’m powerless over it (whatever it is): I say I’m not gonna do it or I’m gonna do it less, but then I go back and it rapidly gets out of control. Then I try to be abstinent after a “binge”, but that only last so long, and then the cycle repeats.
Thank you and this gives a good perspective for me to look at it a certain way
Did someone tell you that it wasn't? Because yes it is a real addiction. Everything the person above this said is very accurate and I have seen it in my own relationships. I am so sorry you are going through this but there are resources.
Aside from my own experience above, I also wanted to suggest that you take a deeper look at what you are or are not doing about your addiction.
When I was getting sober, I could literally feel peoples eyes on me worse than when I was drink all the time. Fast forward a few months when I was actively doing something about my addiction, and I no longer felt like I was being judged.
If you aren't yet doing anything about your addiction, I can see why you might feel like you are being judged. If you are working on it, work a little harder. :)