Man, what Wall Street Bets pulled off was just epic! :D So tempted to throw in some of my monies to stick it to the hedge funds and then donate any gains to charity.

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I want to inform you that market manipulation like this is a federal crime. The regulators are already investigating.


I can see the only people that might get in trouble are people posting on WSB. People trading on the momentum are just that, trading on momentum and rumors. Nothing illegal about that.

Which hedge fund? They’ve already cashed out. There’s no mythical boogeyman


The floats due tomorrow cashed out on Monday and Tuesday. Nobody with any common sense would recently buy floats due tomorrow

Idk I have a bad feeling about this


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That’s low volume manipulation at work while everyone’s locked out.


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@gourmet investments pvt. Ltd.

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Jummah Mubarak Fam ☪️💚
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