Hi fishes,
I'm currently attending lot of interviews, some interviewers are courteous, introduced them, their work experience, what they do and then ask me to introduce myself. While there are interviewers who don't even tell their name or anything, just join the interview and start asking questions, some interviewers don't even apologize if they join late.
One thing I noted is, these guys are generally not managers or HR, someone who have 1 or 2 years more experience than me.
Any experiences?
I flew to a huge training at 24 weeks pregnant in December during peak omicron season. Wore a mask the entire time (except eating) and kept my distance from people as I could. Probably < 10% of attendees were masked, although there was a vaccine requirement for attendees. Had no issues and the benefits of being at the training / all-Manager meeting were tremendous. Baby is now a healthy 5 week old. Ultimately, you have to do what’s right for you. All of parenting seems to be a calculation of risks / options. Best wishes!
Just tell them your doctor doesn’t advise you flying during pregnancy
Rising Star
You say you’re very very nervous so not sure anything we can say will change your mind. I personally would go though. I got Covid at 20 weeks from an asymptomatic vaxxed and boosted friends so in my view there are no guarantees either way. I also traveled at 36 weeks for my sisters wedding with no complications and spent my 39th week at a leadership conference in my city because so many VIPs were going to be in town I couldn’t miss the opportunity to network as I’m hoping to be promoted to partner next year. Typing this out I realize I sound nuts but it’s my 2nd so that goes to show the difference for a first time mom too!
I would not go - cases are rising and these meetings are all likely indoors etc.
Can you wait and decide once you’re closer?
Do whatever you're comfortable with. I personally flew on 3 work trips, one being to London at 22 weeks, but you're in the drivers' seat
Carry on outwardly like you are going and then 2 days before “test positive” for COVID and stay home
It’s uncomfortable but I wear a KN95 any time I’m required to attend an in-person event where no one else is masked. I’m triple vaxxed but the annoyance from the mask is worth it to reduce the risk. For those rude enough to comment on the mask - I shut it down quickly by sharing that I’m pregnant. You need to prioritize what will make you feel comfortable. It’s different for everyone.
I would not go. You have to prioritize yourself.
If it is just a short meeting, I can go with n95 face mask on. But a retreat (like eating without mask in a large group, meetings and meetings, happy hour). Probably no.