Need motivation to start running. How did y’all get back into it after getting out of it and becoming out of shape? Anyone?

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I had to start with couch to 5K years about being in good enough shape to run half marathons. Initially I was annoyed but it’s cool to see yourself progress through the stages and remember that you are a runner. Good luck!


I start by setting little goals for myself (e.g., workout 3x during the week) and then build on that. A short run is always better than no run


I also like to sign up for a race like a 5k so I have something to motivate me to train


Second that! I signed up for a medley (5,10,Half) which are spread out throughout the year to help motivate me and serve as progress points


And then remember the first one or two runs are horrendous, but you’ll start to enjoy it after that. Also if you have to do treadmill running instead of outdoors - I MUCH prefer a Nike guided run with variable speeds (it’s in the Nike running app) than just pounding treadmill flat out for 30 mins


Check out the app RunBet

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