One thinking at a time, one day at a time. I used to live pretty reckless. I’ve cut out most of the real bad stuff. One thing at a time. First, went the hard drugs.. one at a time. Then, for me, the booze.. then cigarettes. I can’t stress enough.. one thing at a time. I’m in what I like to refer to as the marijuana maintenance plan. And I dabble on the weekends, but never with my original DOC.
For me, booze is the catalyst for anything debaucherous. I’m older. I drink very little now and only for celebration. I just started being mindful of what I was doing. Drink water in-between drinks. Drink a soda on the rocks for awhile. If you need an altered state, find something that works for you but isn’t destructive. Cannabis is my thing. I’m reflective. I’m introspective. I’m able to function. I don’t get hangovers. It’s the opposite of an escape/avoiding my problems like booze and most drugs. Sure sometimes I get paranoid or panicked but it’s always because that’s already there in my subconscious. It helps me confront what I’m avoiding and often times I can work through the anxiety and actually do some healing. Start by setting boundaries for your drinking that leads to all other stuff. It gets easier over time.
I actually went to therapy for this. I never had a physical addiction to anything but I needed help understanding the emotional reasons I was still doing it after it stopped being fun. I also ended up needing to cut certain people out of my Iife. One really positive step I think anyone can take is to take stock off all the things you can do that you can’t when you party hard - like taking a really nice walk on a Sunday morning instead of being viciously hungover. Sounds like a simple thing but that’s kind of the point, focus on simple pleasures.
I recently joined Nagarro and got confirmed in project but got rejected in 3rd round of client interview so they released me after a week. Does it mean I was on project or i was on bench?
I've heard they fire people on bench after two months.
One thinking at a time, one day at a time. I used to live pretty reckless. I’ve cut out most of the real bad stuff. One thing at a time. First, went the hard drugs.. one at a time. Then, for me, the booze.. then cigarettes. I can’t stress enough.. one thing at a time. I’m in what I like to refer to as the marijuana maintenance plan. And I dabble on the weekends, but never with my original DOC.
For me, booze is the catalyst for anything debaucherous. I’m older. I drink very little now and only for celebration. I just started being mindful of what I was doing. Drink water in-between drinks. Drink a soda on the rocks for awhile. If you need an altered state, find something that works for you but isn’t destructive. Cannabis is my thing. I’m reflective. I’m introspective. I’m able to function. I don’t get hangovers. It’s the opposite of an escape/avoiding my problems like booze and most drugs. Sure sometimes I get paranoid or panicked but it’s always because that’s already there in my subconscious. It helps me confront what I’m avoiding and often times I can work through the anxiety and actually do some healing. Start by setting boundaries for your drinking that leads to all other stuff. It gets easier over time.
I actually went to therapy for this. I never had a physical addiction to anything but I needed help understanding the emotional reasons I was still doing it after it stopped being fun. I also ended up needing to cut certain people out of my Iife. One really positive step I think anyone can take is to take stock off all the things you can do that you can’t when you party hard - like taking a really nice walk on a Sunday morning instead of being viciously hungover. Sounds like a simple thing but that’s kind of the point, focus on simple pleasures.
Do you keep a healthy lifestyle like eat well and exercise? That helps.
Maybe take a broader look at your life and ask if this lifestyle is a coping mechanism or distraction for some other parts of your life.
I used to party hard but it became too difficult to bounce back physically.
But I have underlying issues and turn to weed which is an issue in itself.
After I moved out of the city, my coke habit mysteriously disappeared. 🤷♂️