What is the trick to developing a new habit? I had to change up my nighttime routine back in may and I still hate it/have to force myself to do all the steps so I don't deal with the negative results for a week.

Needless to say, that makes me feel like crap about trying to get back to daily workouts.

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What works best for me is community motivation. A bit harder to get in our current state, but having people with similar goals to compete with and motivate each other is the best thing I’ve found for consistency.

Read Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. Changed everything for me. (Atomic Habits is good too, but Fogg’s research came first, so I like his book better.)

You should try to think about what your actual end goal is at its most basic core. Then, meet your goal by doing something you genuinely like. That's gonna keep you motivated!! Nobody does something every day forever of they hate it and you'll fall off eventually. Is this about working out? Try different work outs, different times of day you're more likely to do, find a community to join and be active with to help with low accountability days, etc... And lastly try starting slow like taking everyday as just today only. "I'm working out today only and not concerned about yesterday or tomorrow. I'm not concerned about weight or other counting measures right now. Today I just have my goal is working out." Stuff like that.

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