Any other lonely social workers in here? I mean a lot to some of the people on my caseload but that's about it. Don't have any family near me and it's hard to make friends with non-SW's mostly just because I'm too tired after work to want to do much. Do you spend most of your time alone or is your social time self care for you? Just feel like I don't have a support system!
Yes. I spent my first 5 years on the job very very lonely. I hung out with coworkers on the weekend occasionally and that was it. I realized after those five years that I either had to make a lifestyle change or leave my job. I started joining women's groups, started working out and walking alone, just a lot of things I was afraid to do by myself before. I met a ton of people and can happily say I have a great social support system now. We know it's crucial, but more often than not we leave it low on the priorities list because we're tired or worn out or burnt out. SW's maybe more than anyone need people - and I mean people outside of your job - to spend time with for perspective and just for getting you out of your own emotions and thoughts.
It can be extremely lonely, especially if you are working remotely. The heaviness of the work also gets to me sometimes.
Hey. You are not alone in this, OP. What I do is I visit my parents and spend time with them. It is great way to relax my mind a bit.
Mostly I just keep to myself these days. But my friends during undergrad have remained close friends till now and I consider them as my support system.
It's a good thing that I live 30 minutes away from my parents and siblings. But most of the time, I am alone. I suggest you really find the time to meet people.
I know what you mean. I managed to snag a boyfriend after many years. I almost lost him due to negativity. But, we're going to a movie tonight after work, so we're OK. To me, someone in your own field is easier to reach out to and get along with.
Yes. I'm so lonely. Looking to leave private practice to be a part of a team