Have you ever felt uncomfortable treating a patient? I don't feel unsafe, and the patient isn't making me uncomfortable physically or anything, I am just seriously disturbed by the discussions we're having about what they're going through. I've been working at this hospital 4 years and this is the first time this has ever happened. Is it wrong to consider asking for a transfer?
My Uber driver asked if I am getting close to retiring. NO TIP.
Not directly, but on a recent job search, I didn't get any hits until I removed a portion of my job history and the education dates from both my resume and LinkedIn. Shortly after that, I had several interviews with multiple firms
Only show last 10-15 years of work experience. Add short one liners of other employers , no date. Remove dates of graduation.
D2 - just as I’m not given growth/leadership opportunities as I’m “too old” as. 50 year old woman, particularly when I hear leadership talk needing to provide opportunities to our younger partners/directors/senior managers
I’ve pointed out to a few of our 20-somethings that using “ok boomer” is ageism (which makes them all flustered given their ardent support of social justice and diversity/inclusion initiatives)
Awesome! I’ll need to remember this.
Should probably write it down. LOL.
I just read a study about unconscious bias. It states the significant increase on people noticing and citing ageism recently. Whew, finally!
Interesting that it goes on to state that the ageism being cited is against younger employees in the workforce. Recent college graduates feel they’re not being given the opportunity, compensation, positional authority that they deserve because of their age.
This kind of ageism is known as ignorance and naivety. It’s inversely proportional to age. 😜
Yes Blatant with Off Shoring/BPO shops with “Consulting” arms (Loosely Translated as shilling BPO services). Business Practices in India where Ageism is generally acceptable do not work on this side of the Pond. Numerous recent law suites will back up my claim See Recent IBM Class Action Law Suite
Same boat. Do I omit parts of resume or just be truthful and include everything
Nope never include education dates unless asked for as part of background check
Some job applications make it mandatory to provide the month and year for everything including education, no way of avoiding that.
A2, while applications probably require specific dates, the resume doesn't and that's most important for getting the interview process started
Yes! Why is it that ageism is not perceived as discrimination?
Do you think the new culture person has it on her radar?