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Hi all,
I have a offer from Perficient and joining in 2 months time. Question :
1: how is the company in terms of job security and projects? I work with web analytics
2: How is the hike and work life balance.
3: Attrition rate
4: Hike is good but will it be a safer vet like Accenture Operations?
Need some views from people working there.
Thanks in advance.
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Are you me?!? Because everything you said .. every single thing: same.
Have you thought about making gratitude a daily practice? There are plenty of guided meditations out there that focus on this specifically.
Each day when I rise, I too, practice what I refer to as my ‘attitude of gratitude’. It helps, as we are truly all so fortunate. Life can change in the blink of an eye- be thankful.
I would recommend to first work on yourself - including picking up more on personal time and more healthy habits. Positive people tend to be happy with themselves first, then perhaps being healthy
The suggestions being offered here are all exactly what you need to do, but if you’re like me, it’s hard to know “how” to be more positive or pick up healthy habits. What worked EXTREMELY well (for me) was having a regimen mapped out for me that kept me focused. Check out Tony Robbins “personal power” audio set and actually apply what he’s talking about. You will not believe the results.
Yes, it is absolutely worth it, as long as you commit to not only going through the program, but actually DOING what it says. Ultimately, this program is a 30 day mind boot camp that touches on some of the major aspects of your life: relationships, finances, career, capacity to give, and most importantly, self mastery. I’ve paid the money for it myself and because I followed through, it was one of the best investments I’ve ever made.
The quality of life we experience ultimately comes down to the meaning we give to the circumstances around us. Happiness comes from the inside. It works like this: what you believe about life, yourself, others, etc… drives your mode of thinking. Your thinking drives the actions you’ll ultimately take, and the actions you take drive and influence the circumstances you experience. These in turn reinforce your beliefs, which influence your thoughts, and the spiral continues upward or downward. You’re never static.
Whatever path you take, start with your mind and being in control of your thoughts and emotions. That program is a great place to start!
- Learn to say no.
- Check if you really enjoy working with your peers. Not getting along well with peers can be an energy killer.
- find an extra sport or activity you really like.
- design your daily routine and stick to it.
- go see people. Relationships are cure for bad energy
- take some 5htp and ashwagandha
All true....self analysis first, establish what is the root of your situation, then focus on being grateful for what you do have and is working for you, utilized the various tools (meditation, affirmation, visualization, books, engage with positive people) to feed the mind with thoughts of positivity and joy. Make it a daily habit. You got this!
I would check out the book Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman (sp?). He’s a professor at Penn with a lot of research experience and his mentored or worked with others like Angela Duckworth (“Grit”) on positive mindset development.
I haven’t read it in 5+ years, but I believe his book has a ton of actionable steps you can take to improve your attitude. I think he touches on showing gratitude as an effective manner of getting there. He definitely goes into identifying your negative thoughts and reframing limiting thoughts and beliefs since limiting thoughts and beliefs tend to be an exaggeration or complete lie to the truth.
One note, take books like this with a grain of salt. They won’t solve all of your life problems or turn you into Jeff Bezos (minus the sexual misconduct), but it should help you become a better version of yourself. IMO that is most important!
I’m struggling with the same thing, but to a bit further extent. I’ve reached max anxiety levels and struggling with depression. Im seeing someone weekly and taking medication. But every day is still a struggle. I don’t have a solution, but do know there are others in the same boat. This is all new to me.
Here's a blog I wrote that might be able to help you. And feel free to browse around my other blogs. I have one on foods that make you happy. Hoping the best for you!🌠
There’s already been a number of great ideas shared, but I’ll add that taking an improv class was a huge help for me becoming more positive. It was a fun activity to do, it forced me to leave work at a certain time (to get to class), it introduced me to new people from a variety of different backgrounds, and it forced me to practice “yes and.” That mindset (yes and) not only works when you’re making up a scene, it also applies to being more positive in life. “Yes, I am feeling stressed out at work and here are the things I’m going to try to relieve that stress…”
I feel this one so hard
Therapy, meditation, gratitude journal. Also I just went to a holistic doctor for my energy levels and trouble sleeping and they recommended some supplements and eating for your blood type. A lot of the low energy could be your diet
One idea- what if you start each day doing something for yourself first before you get started on work? Maybe it’s a walk outside, a workout, coffee & reading, calling someone to chat, a hobby, whatever. That small change might help you have less resentment toward your job. I say this, but am currently resenting my job also b/c it’s running my life. 😪