I feel like I'm going through really bad imposter syndrome, How do you manage it ?

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Honestly speaking to other attorneys helps, especially mentors. You’d be surprised to learn that a lot of the most successful attorneys deal with imposter syndrome and a lot of the questions we ask ourselves on a regular basis even after 20+ years


I have a handful of good current and former coworker friends who are 3-4 years my senior and talking to them always helps. I found it helps most if I can pinpoint what caused the latest bout of imposter syndrome and they can tell me a similar experience that turned out fine.


What kinds of thing make you feel this way? The more context the better we can help

I tell myself that nobody ever gets over it - we’re all faking it at all levels of business/government

Don’t know your situation but this exchange w my therapist helped a surprising amount. I was telling her how i was worried that my supervisor wouldn’t think I’m a good litigator if I asked for things like extensions. (FWIW I’ve practiced 5 years) “But are you a good lawyer?” “yes. not the worlds best but I’m pretty damn good at what I do” “so then why are you scared of what she’ll think?”…”ah ok then”. This isn’t universal advice but if you’re a senior associate you probably can objectively say whether you know what you’re doing!

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