You ain’t alone my friend. And chances are it has nothing to do with your skill set. The industry is turning its back on a lot of talented folks right now
Feel it. Feel it all. For a day. Then do something for yourself. Go for a walk, or a run. Cook something youve been meaning to try. Something that involves building and progress. Repeat.
I know it sucks, but I took my layoff as a period to rest. It is a privilege, but it was really nice to have days where I could do whatever the fuck I wanted and have the freedom of not reporting to someone or worrying about saying the wrong thing in a client email. Be mad, cry, journal, meditate, and network the shit out of your contacts. Do not rely on digital applications. Get referral links, reach out to the hiring manager, reach out to any sort of connection you have. it is rough out there but you can do it.
You ain’t alone my friend. And chances are it has nothing to do with your skill set. The industry is turning its back on a lot of talented folks right now
I’ve been there! It’s a horrible feeling. Let yourself cry. Get on anti depressants if you can. Call loved ones
Feel it. Feel it all. For a day. Then do something for yourself. Go for a walk, or a run. Cook something youve been meaning to try. Something that involves building and progress. Repeat.
I know it sucks, but I took my layoff as a period to rest. It is a privilege, but it was really nice to have days where I could do whatever the fuck I wanted and have the freedom of not reporting to someone or worrying about saying the wrong thing in a client email. Be mad, cry, journal, meditate, and network the shit out of your contacts. Do not rely on digital applications. Get referral links, reach out to the hiring manager, reach out to any sort of connection you have. it is rough out there but you can do it.