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📣APPLY NOW!!! for Spotify's Sound Up: Narrative Shift Nonfiction Script Workshop!
10 LA-based podcasters 🎙 will meet over dinner and get feedback on one completed, nonfiction script from best-in-class producers. They’ll also receive dedicated mentorship.
Application Deadline: Oct 12th
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Eat green apples. In the voice over business, we’d always have them on hand. There is something in a bit of green Apple that helps clear the access in your mouth and softens the noise.
I actually had no idea about this, fascinating! I gotta try it
Might need to fix your tongue posture.
Hahaha. I might take this comment seriously.
It's possible that you're not articulating your words properly, or that you're not pronouncing certain letters and sounds correctly. You might also need to work on your breathing technique
I've found that chewing on sugar-free gum helps to lessen the mouth clicks considerably. Also, try different mic placements or distance if it helps reduce unnecessary noise.
Keep the voice