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Im so embarrassed posting this, but I’m so confused. as 1 of 3 females in my office( yes I know that’s an issue in itself) I work with mostly 23 year old + males. There is one that has me so confused. He’s 26, I’m 29;if that matters. I’m an OM, so I indirectly work with everyone. But I don’t have any direct reports.So I guess my point is, how does one know, if a man is interested specifically a coworker. What are the tell alls, what’s just being friendly coworker vs possibly feeling the vibe.
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Hey Guys, I have cleared all the rounds for SDET position of a company.I have 2 years and 7 months of experience in Manual, Automation and API testing.How much CTC should I ask.I have HR discussion tomorrow.Please help your fellow mate.Thanks in Accenture" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" >advance.Accenture Tata Consultancy Deloitte Infosys
Freak in the sheets.. 📉
I think he’s saying they’re the most qualified because the preference going into hiring is to add diversity, and if they’re the chosen team then they’ve overcome that hurdle for a reason— I.e. their work/experience clearly set them apart. Sounds pretty innocuous to me. Very strange times we’re living in when two straight white dudes getting hired keeps people up at night in a rage
How dare he say a cis white male is qualified for the job. You're triggered over nothing.
Also, please name the agency you work at so I can remember to never ever contact you.
Bowl Leader
Do you not know anything about the fact that meritocracy is made up and actually has been proven time and time again to be based on faulty logic and ingrained beliefs rather than quantifiable facts? Maybe read something. Here’s a start:
The problem is that more likely than not, the ECD you’re talking about likely hires people who are similar to him or the people he’s attracted to. The exceptions are when he’s OOTO or is willing to trust a GCD/CD’s vouch. We’ve all seen it and it’s annoying. Throw in stuff like internal referral bonuses and weird nitpicky stuff like “I dunno, they didn’t see on it” and it’s no wonder diversity at ad agencies, while improved, remains stagnant. So I do see how it would be annoying because meritocracy is used as a cope by these types.
What he actually said though, an actual meritocracy, would be awesome and you’d see more BIPOC and women get hired and climb the ranks if it were the way hiring works. Which is why people in this thread are kind of taken back by your post because it almost suggest that people like myself cannot be hired if talent was the strict criteria (or that, yes, if the best team happens to be white, cis, and male, that’s not a bad thing). If a white guy gets hired for a job I was gunning for but has a better book, I get it. When their book is trash but they look like the person who interviewed me, then it’s annoying.
Take some NyQuil, get some rest.
If you are this upset over the hiring process try to help in the sourcing process and find more diverse hires to put in front of this ECD.
I’m guessing he’s feeling a lot of pressure to perform, and he’s getting a lot of people who aren’t ready to hit the ground running.
I don’t know anything about you except this is the 4th time in the last month I’ve seen a DOO on here posting a screed about some ECD they can’t stand. He’s got a background in design, no sense of style, kind of awkward? Is that you? Listen, everyone at work thinks you’re a nut. Your fixated on him. Leave the poor guy alone, but first do your job and get him some top tier talent so he can make your agency look good.