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Transition from Compliance to Risk ? I work for major brokerage in compliance. I’ve been in this field almost 5 years. The person I work with made me absolutely hate my job and every day for past few months is soul destroying. He doesn’t share project work with me, he re writes my notes. I raised it with manager few times but not much happened. Never knew someone so difficult . Now risk wants to poach me to retain me in business.Am I crazy to even consider this ??
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Happy 4th of July Weekend, Partners! 🇺🇸👋
Any sabbath observant M&A associates here?
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Hey guy, I have this book out. Wondering if you could help me spread the word. It teaches you how to write KPI’s for an IDB perspective. I am in the market to switch career back to my original so I am open to assist especially non-profits address their data issues. Anyway guys if interested send me a DM.

I think you’re right to depart. Black people are canaries in the coal mine when it comes to company culture and the future outlook of a company.
What’s the best way to start diversifying a company culture and staff? I am a new TA with a company that is not that diverse, one of my goals is to change that. Being new, I am in the spotlight to start making these changes with the candidates I recruit. We get negative reviews on job boards from internal employees regarding lack of diversity. Yet, when we create DEI round tables and open the floor for dialogue and suggestions…crickets. As a recruiter who has no control over the company budget, marketing, creating overnight change in someone else’s mind…where do you suggest I start? Sourcing through diversity affiliations, networking, asking for referrals, tending to diverse candidate applications first, this is all basic recruiting 101; what do you suggest I can do as an individual? LinkedIn has an article regarding diversity recruiting - one of the suggestions - look up “most popular African American female names for 1990” and use these names as part of your keyword search. What can I as an individual do that makes an immediate difference?
Cutting loose will add to the lack of diversity in the company. Obviously if you feel uncomfortable you should do what’s right for you. Maybe those employees felt the lack of diversity was something they weren’t comfortable with and used that as a reason to leave?
Do you have reason to believe it's a company culture problem in general? Hard to say what's going on based on this, though obviously it doesn't look great
It’s the fabric of their culture because there aren’t enough POCs and black people in higher management from what I see.