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If you want to find some new wines one of our clients is a new online wine marketplace (Scoperta = discovery in Italian) and you can get flat shipping with first purchase in the flight club . Fun service if you want to try it . (We also produced a hilarious opera video on YouTube if you want a laugh)
I was supposed to go on vacation with my ex, but instead got dumped. I still took the whole week off. Dated for almost 9 years, so it was rough. Take the time if you need it. For me, I ate some ice cream, watched sappy movies, cried, got mad, cried again. Screamed. Do what you need. Then dust yourself off and get back on your feet. 💪🏻 Make new plans. Find something else to focus on for a while. Gym, new hobby, eating healthier, binge watch that show you’ve been putting off. Life does go on. Promise. 6 months after the break up, I set out to do everything I wanted to do... just without him. I bought my first house, got a dog, paid off some debt. met my now fiancé and love life. ♥️ Keep your head up.
It was rough. I cried in the bathroom a few times. My director caught me twice, but she was understanding. Having a great team helped. I too was afraid of being alone and took to dating almost immediately, which was my mistake. Focus on you. Get your head on straight again and then everything will start to fall into place
I think it’s important to know what would help you. If taking a leave is going to help you de-stress then you should do that.
For me, it was actually helpful to stay at work and keep a similar lifestyle. I did reach out to friends a lot more for support and planned things on the weekends/after work to keep busy which also helped (especially with sleep). Took classes for something I hadn’t done since HS but really enjoyed. Joined a league for a sport I’ve never played and made new friends. I had a pretty outdoorsy vacation scheduled about 2 months after and the outdoors really helped.
Yeah I took pottery classes! It was so fun!
Currently going through it. It’s Definitely been tough though; I just find myself over thinking and wishing I had the work to keep my mind off things. My suggestion would be to take one week to run through the typical break-up phase, I.e. ice cream and movies as someone already suggest (Jesse and Celeste Forever was a good one for me but it was my first time watching it) and then ease back into work if possible.
I wish I had - I just forced myself to dive into work. Made everything so much harder at the time and made overworking a bad habit
I wanted to but didn’t, ended up ok. Maybe should take done the first few days off tho.
Agree on healing by watching good break up films and listening to break up songs (ie- Ariana Grande’s Thank u next or Solange “cranes in the sky”). You will find some artists have full break up albums that can be cathartic. Also i recently watched “Someone Great” on Netflix.. Gave me another increment of closure 8 months after my break up..