Please give me remedies for acid reflux. Tums just isn’t cutting it anymore. Did anyone else have really bad acid reflux and do something/eat something/take something besides tums that worked ? Looking for a miracle here. Third trimester and I’m just miserable all around so any relief even just on the acid reflux part would be life changing at this point!!!
Rising Star
Eating bland food and these when symptomatic helped me
Boiron Nux Vomica 30C, 3 Tubes (80 Pellets per Tube), Homeopathic Medicine for Hangover Relief
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*even plain milk
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Pepcid, can only have two through the day so use it judiciously. Tums are useless.
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Also smaller portions, though soemtimes even a biscuit sets me off. Don't drink water with meals (hard adjustment for me)
My midwife just recommended to me today papaya enzymes with my meals, a handful of raw almonds, and eating heavier meals earlier in the day and stay small sized meal/bland for dinner onward.
I feel your pain though😫 it's brutal.
I asked my OB this and she was like “Oh yeah tums won’t do sht, try Pepcid.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, it is not recommended to take Pepcid or any PPI for more than two weeks.
My OB cleared it with the “2 dose a day” limit.
I take Pepcid in the morning and again at night and supplement with Tums if I still feel terrible. Honestly can’t wait for baby to arrive and be done with this
Wife used mylanta
Also your dr can prescribe certain medication to help if it is that bad
It was random but I found the Outshine Coconut fruit bars really helped. It tastes like coconut ice cream but is made using skim milk and coconut cream so maybe doesn’t have as much dairy. It certainly wasn’t a cure - I was still taking TUMs and Pepcid daily, but it definitely helped soothe the reflux at night when it was worst.
Pepcid - don’t take Tums for reflux, they just increase your stomach acid production.
Omg, I have acid reflux! Just started about last week and was awful this weekend, was wondering if it was because of this nugget and it is! I refuse to wat bland food so will just have to chug water after each occurrence. Thanks for naming it for me, have been trying to remember what this was called! Pregnancy brain, amiright? 😏
I’m in my 3rd trimester and I had to get a prescription from my doctor. It was so bad I couldn’t sleep. Definitely think you should bring it up next visit
Try digestive enzymes. I take mine with my first meal and they’ve helped considerably. I buy the HCL ones from
This is me. I’ve tried everything over the counter. OB prescribed me protonix and even that didn’t help. I’m now on 2 pepcid, twice a day, total of 4. And she also prescribed this gross cough syrup like stuff called sucralfate 4x a day that’s been helping. I literally can’t eat past 4pm so I feel your pain. I also have to sleep basically upright. My acid reflux is so bad I actually don’t think I’d have a second kid lol. That’s dramatic but I’ve been absolutely miserable for the last two months. All things I eat aggravate my stomach, not just trigger foods. I completely feel your pain.
Try drinking water with lemon juice first thing in the morning before eating any food