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Anyone tried installing games on SAP laptop?
Stop! In the name of love...
I'm making me some fried chicken!!
When I was 9 years old, I believed (incorrectly inferred from context) that a vasectomy removed someone's vocal chords. So once at a restaurant I said to two parents with a screaming baby, "you guys need a vasectomy." My parents were mortified.
You can't really control little kids
Associate 1: I agree... but that's why responsible parents take their screaming child outside until they calm down. If you're in an enclosed space (plane, train, etc), fine. I've found most often parents ignore their screaming brat, which only makes the kids scream louder to get attention.
Actually, I wasn't a screaming kid. I was a quadruplet, so my parents had to maintain pretty strict discipline. If I started getting unruly, I was taken outside until I calmed down. If I was throwing a tantrum, I was spanked and told that behaviour was unacceptable. Magically, we behaved. There are family videos of me and my siblings as 4 year olds and it was actually pleasant. When we were younger than that, my parents had our schedules neatly organised. We didn't go to restaurants at certain times because we knew they'd be crowded and stress out tired children. It's amazing what a bit of effort can do. Now that I'm likely having a child soon, I'll be raising them the same way. Sorry, still don't have patience for stupid parents.
Oh my gosh, we're not talking about beating your kid with a bloody pipe. A quick swat of the butt with your hand and you're done. You raise your child with stern words and I'll raise mine properly. And when your child is screaming and tearing up a restaurant, I hope you remember that you've made this monster.
As someone with 7 kids in my immediate family (young siblings & cousins) I do find that it's as much related to a kid's personality as it is to parenting. I have 4 kid siblings. The eldest two are treasures and always polite, the youngest varies but the 3yo is a little sh*t most of the time. I joke with my Dad that maybe he was swapped at birth.
You were a screaming kid once too. Have some empathy for the parents and get over it.
Lol I was spanked and I turned it out well
I hope you don't plan on spanking your kids OP, all the science indictes it doesn't help.
Get over it asshole GS
I have three kids OP, they are very disciplined. And while I do not spank them they do know what is right or wrong and how they should behave. With that being said at the end of the day they are little people that have their own emotion, will power, and energy. Sometimes regardless of what I do they scream. I try to not let this happen in public, and admittedly it rarely happens. I am with you on being strict with my kids. Best of luck in your new journey as a parent, nothing more rewarding, but I assure you that nothing is also more humbling than this role.
@IBA2 if you think it's ok to spank kids then you 'turned out' into an adult who thinks violence against children
Just saying.
*who thinks violence against children is ok