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Seth Godin artfully describes a common ailment - "The Trough of Inefficiency. Question is - What to do about it? Certainly, maximum clarity about WHAT SHOULD BE HAPPENING is essential to closing the gap between that and WHAT IS HAPPENING.
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premium processing in eXpEnSiVe 😂
back racing thoughts while I am there. Does anyone have advice to how to you’re coping with that? Obviously skipping the meds isn’t working but I always put on tons of weight when I take anything and it makes my anxiety worse.
I’m wondering the same. Meditating has been helping a bit
CBD might help
Exposure therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy coupled with Nutrient Therapy might help. It saved my life. I could not tolerate medication because of the horrible side effects. If you get the correct diagnosis you could find a therapist that specializes in that disorder and applies targeted therapy. Not all therapists/psychologists are trained in all types of disorders. Exposure therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) is very different than the one for PTSD or Anxiety. Getting the right diagnosis is very important. If you are interested in getting more info on the resources that are out there that don’t involve medication please PM me. I had been in your shoes and I would be more than happy to help if I can.