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I'm still on parental leave with a small baby and my spouse is wfh. We plan to start working shifts and splitting who watches the baby during the day. It will inevitably include working at nights to make up for the time lost during the day, but it's the best option for us.
One week into us both wfh with an infant. It's manageable as long as I don't have any expectations of (1) scoring high billables or (2) any life outside of work and baby. I'm okay with #1 at this point (I'm still 5 years away from partner consideration, and hopefully I can just write off this part of my record), and #2 seems par for the course as a new parent.
Unless you have an office with a locking door it just doesn’t seem possible. At home you’re available for every question or thought from the person you’ve chosen to share your life with and there is no where for anyone to go. Your kids love you and want to be with you every moment. The only saving grace is a lot of people have children and are understanding when they hear the baby screaming in the background or your toddler saying hello on every phone call. Just remember everyone is dealing with this and exchange grace for grace. Remember those who treat you well and those who treat you poorly. Just don’t be someone who treats others poorly as the practice of law has ways to deal with both
Find a nanny or mother's helper. Worth every penny.
Lots and lots of TV and learning not to feel bad about it. I have a 7 and 4 year old and I am happy if I get them 1 hour of education a day.
And PBS kids is pretty educational. (Rationalization, I know).
Communication has been key for us. Have a toddler who can walk and destroy but can’t focus on one activity for very long. Wife and I thank each other for every little thing the other does to make sure we each feel appreciated and resentment doesn’t grow. We try to laugh a lot and forgive ourselves more. Tough times, but these are a few things that are helping.
Resigned myself to the fact that my billables suck.
This. This. This. Like seriously. This.
Any tips? Tricks? Commiseration?
No tips or tricks but I sure can commiserate! My spouse and I are both WFH with a 2 year old and we’re going insane!
3 kids (infant, toddler, and 8) and both husband and I wfh. He gets up early to work before everyone wakes up. We take shifts during the day. I stay up late working. We go to the park every evening just to get out and walk/bike around. We’re all just doing our best, right now.
It’s a struggle for sure. My hat goes off to all the parents who have their kids at home full time. I know a lot of people who have put their kids in private school for right now for this very reason but I know that’s not an option for everyone. Our small kids are only home for breaks and the occasional COVID class closing until they can test negative and go back. Recently my husband and 2 kids were home for 3 weeks between COVID closing and getting COVID and I thought I’d lose my mind. My leadership was saying all the right things “take as much time as you need.” “ family is most important” but frustration I have is it all sounds good but policies are not supporting working parents during these unprecedented times. I don’t have “as much time as I need” since sick leave and personal leave are one in the same. I also don’t know if I’ll need another 3 weeks for the same thing in a month. Just really frustrating and sad commentary on the value placed on family and mental health in this country.